
Arsewipe Gubbament Pass NT Invasion Laws

Though the passage of this legislation comes as no surprise, I'm still angry and upset.That the genocide against the Indigenous peoples of Strayalia continues unabated. Fuck oztralian apartheid and all those useless c's that sit on the fence and remain the silent beneficiaries of Aboriginal genocide that they are. Shame Shame shame.

Analysis by Chris Graham

NATIONAL, August 17, 2007: The three bills which empower the federal government to intervene in the lives of Aboriginal people in the Northern Territory have finally been passed into law.

In what will go down as the blackest days in the history of modern parliament, at 12:28 pm the clerk of the Senate announced: "There being 56 ayes, and 6 noes, the matter is resolve in the affirmative."

The Coalition government used its majority in the Senate to push the legislation through, despite widespread anger among Aboriginal people across the nation and innumerable pleas for the legislation to be delayed so that Aboriginal people in the Territory could be consulted on the changes.

But in the end, it wasn't just the Liberals who saw fit to erode the rights of Aboriginal people. Labor joined with the government to pass the laws. And it came amid the barest of scrutiny.

The three bills - which ran to more than 500 pages and will result in massive and radical changes in the lives of Aboriginal people - were scrutinised by a Senate inquiry that sat for just one day.

That inquiry handed its findings to government just two working days later.

Only the Greens and Democrats voted against the legislation, after supporting two Appropriation Bills which push $587 million into the Northern Territory.

From today:

• The federal government can compulsorily acquire Aboriginal land in the Territory for five years.

• All Aboriginal people who receive welfare payments in regional and remote communities in the NT will automatically have 50 percent of their payments quarantined, regardless of their past spending habits

• The government can appoint an 'observer' to attend meetings of Aboriginal or non Aboriginal organisations in the Territory which provide services to the 73 'proscribed' Aboriginal communities which are ear-marked for intervention.

• The government can seize the assets of Aboriginal or non Aboriginal organisations which are providing services to communities, and direct those elsewhere

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