
Letter of support from Oaxaca, Mexico

Here is a letter in support of the Uruwera 17, from Guadalupe Venegas Reyes, sister of Oaxaqueño anarchist political prisoner David Venegas. Spanish first, followed by rough translation.
nosotros como oaxaqueños, sabemos perfectamentamente de lo que mueve a un pueblo a organizarse para exigir justicia y respeto, sufrimos una represion por toda una red mafiosa de politiquillos, amparada por un sistema inservible y no funcional para los pueblos, sin embargo en medio de tanta sangre derramada por nuestros hermanos caidos, a aun a persar de ese dolor, sentimos la mayoria de este pueblo que vale la pena luchar para ser libres de cuerpo pero sobre todo de pensamiento e ideales, yo me uno energicamente al reclamo de los publos del mundo en contra de las redadas selectivas que esta llevando el gobierno de ese pais(nueva zelanda) en contra de la gente que piensa diferente y correctamente, un no al racismo, un nunca mas desapariciones, juicios injustos, familias enteras perseguidas, un no, no, a todas las arbitrariedades que los politicos hacen en nombre del poder. justicia para todos los pueblos, justicia .

guadalupe venegas reyes

hermana de preso politico en oaxaca, mexico.

We as oaxaqueños (people of Oaxaca) know perfectly about what moves a people to organize to demand justice and respect. We suffer represion from a mafia network of minor politicians who are protected by a system that is malfunctioning and useless to the people.

Nevertheless in the middle of so much blood spilled by our fallen brothers, to even to think of that pain, we feel, the majority of this people, that it is worthwhile to fight for being free of body but above all of thought and ideal. I energetically join the peoples of the world who are against the selective raids that the government of this country (New Zealand) carried out against people that think differently and correctly.

A NO to racism, disappearances, unjust judgments, entire families pursued, and NO NO NO to all the arbitrary decisions that politicians make in the name of power.

Justice for all the people, justice.

Guadalupe Venegas Reyes
sister of a political prisoner (David Venegas) in Oaxaca, Mexico

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